Tuesday, September 14, 2010


good morning, afternoon and eve. this is a tribute to the acquired vibe of corniness associated with growing as an "artist".

in general:

1) fuck pretense
2) arrogance, take a bath.
3) idiosynchratic criticism...you know what, who asked you?
4) generalization; schmeneralization.

my intention with this inter-web representation is pure expression; tied to nothing.

i shall follow no guidelines, nor textbook.

i shall continue to use words that may not exist.

this is an attempt to rise above multidimensional barriers that have manifested over time which have prevented me from happiness, moving forward, growing, keeping an updated portfolio - or some proof of existence - within the vast field of passion and creation that has occupied the majority of my waking life.

hopefully anyone else who may feel similar or whom may generally appreciate visual stimuli of the sorts represented may find their way here, for inspiration, interaction, and entertainment.

all the best to you. and me.
